Healthcare Design Projects

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There is a body of growing evidence that demonstrates the healing power of nature. In the beautifully written and easy-to-follow book, “Healing Spaces,” author Esther M. Sternberg, M.D., explores the science of place and well-being. Throughout the book, she weaves together studies and science that shows the mind-body connection with place and healing.

Even though many of us intuitively seek out beautiful surroundings because they make us feel better, Esther Sternberg takes it further by providing the neuroscience behind the healing power of a beautiful sunset, a walk through an old-growth forest or the sounds of early morning bird-song.
The studies that show the healing power of places are so compelling that a relatively new field called evidence-based design has taken off. Simply put, it’s a field where evidence from studies are used to determine how a building is designed and built. It’s roots are in architecture, neuroscience, psychology, and behavioral economics. And, evidence-based design is huge in the healthcare industry. Healthcare design professionals, architects and interior designers collaborate using evidence from research to build and design in ways that optimize patient healing.

These compelling studies have shown that nature promotes healing. Patients exposed to hospital design elements such as nature scenes from windows, nature photographs and natural light-filled settings heal faster, ultimately, making their hospital stay shorter.

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